Modern Eye Doctors

in the Des Moines Metro Area

High Quality Care, Total Patient Satisfaction

Our practice is dedicated to providing the highest quality eye care and total patient satisfaction through personal service and commitment. We will strive to exceed our patients’ expectations with high quality products, the latest instrumentation, and continuing education for doctors and staff.

Metro EyeCare offers advanced diagnostic technology and friendly, attentive care. Whether you are looking for specialty contact lenses or eye disease diagnosis and management, come and see the difference Metro EyeCare can make.

Glaucoma Diagnosis & Management

Our optometrists are well-equipped to diagnose and treat glaucoma. Known as “the silent thief of sight,” glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness. 

Glaucoma often develops with no symptoms. Regular, comprehensive eye exams are key to catching and managing glaucoma in its earliest stages. 

Please book an appointment today to keep your sight intact!

Our Locations


  • 301 Center Place SW, Suite D.
  • Altoona, IA 50009


  • 5501 NW 86th St., Suite 500
  • Johnston, IA 50131

Our Blog

What Is BlephEx, and How Can It Help Treat Dry Eye?

Dry Eye

If you have blepharitis or dry eyes, your optometrist may suggest a treatment called BlephEx to help.  If you are suffering from blepharitis or dry eye syndrome, it is an eye condition that can cause red, swollen, irritated, itchy eyelids, BlephEx treatment may be a suitable option for you. While it can be uncomfortable, blepharitis […]

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July 4, 2023
Jeff Neighbors

What Are the Best Contacts for Dry Eye?

Dry Eye

The uncomfortable symptoms experienced with dry eyes can lead to redness and irritation in the eyes. Dry eye disease is a condition that can make even the simplest daily tasks difficult. Fortunately, there are contact lenses available that can help alleviate some of these symptoms.  Depending on the cause of your dry eye, your eye […]

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June 6, 2023
Jeff Neighbors

Why Does Driving at Night Get More Difficult as You Age?

Eye Health

Driving at night can be difficult at any age, especially if you have a preexisting vision problem. Between glare, difficulty seeing in the dark, or a delayed reaction time, it can be difficult to do so safely. But why does it become more difficult as you age? As you get older, your eyesight naturally gets […]

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May 10, 2023
Jeff Neighbors
Close-up of a young girl outside rubbing her right eye with her right pinky finger

If you have blepharitis or dry eyes, your optometrist may suggest a treatment called BlephEx to help.  If you are suffering from blepharitis or dry eye syndrome, it is an eye condition that can cause red, swollen, irritated, itchy eyelids, BlephEx treatment may be a suitable option for you. While it can be uncomfortable, blepharitis […]

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A smiling young woman is inserting a contact lens into her right eye

The uncomfortable symptoms experienced with dry eyes can lead to redness and irritation in the eyes. Dry eye disease is a condition that can make even the simplest daily tasks difficult. Fortunately, there are contact lenses available that can help alleviate some of these symptoms.  Depending on the cause of your dry eye, your eye […]

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A senior man in the driver's seat of a car with a senior woman in the passenger seat, both with a concerned look on their faces

Driving at night can be difficult at any age, especially if you have a preexisting vision problem. Between glare, difficulty seeing in the dark, or a delayed reaction time, it can be difficult to do so safely. But why does it become more difficult as you age? As you get older, your eyesight naturally gets […]

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