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Waking up with Dry Eyes: Reasons & Fixes

A young woman lying in bed rubbing her right eyes with her right hand.

Waking up with dry eyes can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience. Not only can it make it difficult to open your eyes in the morning, but it can also cause redness, irritation, and even blurred vision throughout the day. Fortunately, several fixes for dry eyes available can help alleviate dry eyes and improve overall […]

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Are Astigmatism and Myopia the Same Thing?

A girl in a black jacket is leaning closely toward her laptop computer while reading what's on the screen.

Visiting your eye doctor to maintain healthy eyesight and vision is like visiting your physician for a healthy body. Comprehensive eye exams for adults and children can help detect eye conditions early and determine treatment based on visual needs.  Astigmatism and myopia are common refractive errors with similar symptoms, including blurred vision. But they’re 2 […]

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