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Contact Lenses: All of the Options

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The views expressed in this post are that of Metro Eyecare. The author has no financial disclosures to make regarding this blog post. Any views or classifications of contact lenses are opinion only and may not reflect the views of the other doctors or intended by the manufacturer.

So now that we know what we are looking for in a contact lens, lets see if we can start picking out some lens options. For this post, I will artificially groups lenses into like categories, but this is for ease of conversation and not necessarily how each lens is intended. This is not a comprehensive list, but I think I good introduction into the world of contacts.

For more information on how to select the right contact lens, see our earlier post.

The Go-To Lenses

These are the tried-and-true go to lenses that most patients are familiar with. These lenses are worn during the day and at night stored in a cleaning solution. The lenses are approved to be safely worn for a period of time and then must be discarded.

Name  Base Curve  Diameter  Oxygen Permeability  Replacement Schedule
Acuvue Oasys8.4 / 8.814.0147.12 weeks
Air Optix Aqua8.614.2137.51 month
  Avaira / Aquaclear 1008.4 / 8.514.2125.02 weeks
Biofinity / Aquaclear8.614.0160.01 month
Ultra8.514.2163.01 month

The Extended Wear Lenses

These lenses are approved to be able to be worn continuously for a month. This means that they are approved to be worn day and night without having to take them out. 

Name  Base Curve  Diameter Oxygen PermeabilityExtended wear approval
Air Optix Night and Day8.4 / 8.613.8175.01 month
Purevision 28.614.0130.01 month

The Daily Disposable Lenses

If you read our post on daily disposable lenses, then you already know what a fan of them we are.

NameBase CurveDiameterOxygen PermeabilityReplacement Schedule
1-Day Acuvue Moist8.5 /
Dailies Aqua Comfort Plus8.714.026.0Daily
Proclear 1 Day8.714.236.6Daily
Fresh Day8.614.186.0Daily

The Premium Daily Disposable Lenses

These are the lenses for the people that are looking for exceptional comfort in a contact lens. These are often the best choice for people who suffer from dry eyes or ocular allergies but still want to wear contacts.

Name Base Curve Diameter  Oxygen Permeability  Replacement Schedule
1-Day Acuvue TruEye8.5 / 9.014.2118.0Daily
Biotrue ONEday8.614.242.0Daily
Dailies Total 18.514.1155.6Daily

The Lenses for Astigmatism

Many of the lenses listed in the “Go-To Lenses” and “Daily Disposable Lenses” categories are also available in toric options for patients with astigmatism. This means that if you have astigmatism you have more options to select from than you may have thought.

The key with lenses that correct for astigmatism is the fit and rotation of the contact lenses as that will ultimately affect not only the comfort but also your vision. Each lens fits a little differently so you won’t really know which lens with work best for you unless you give them a try.

The Bifocal/Multifocal Lenses

If you need a bifocal/multifocal/progressive lens, there are even contact lenses available for you that can allow you to see distance and near objects without glasses.

NameBase CurveDiameterOxygen PermeabilityReplacement Schedule
Fresh Day Multifocal8.614.186.0Daily
Air Optix Aqua Multifocal8.614.2137.51 month
Biofinity Multifocal8.614.0142.01 month
Dailies Aqua Comfort Plus Multifocal8.714.026.0Daily
Purevision 2 for Presbyopia8.614.01301 month

We hope this helps you on your quest to find the right contact lenses. All of the lenses listed above we have available for you to try in our office, as well as many others. We are excited to also let you know about a few brand new lenses that we will be getting in the near future.

Written by Jeff Neighbors

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