Adult & Senior Eye Exams in the Des Moines Metro Area

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So Much More than Reading Letters on a Chart

Your visual acuity is just one of the many reasons to have a comprehensive eye exam. While making sure your vision is clear and sharp is part of the exam, we will also assess your overall ocular health. The exam is like a physical—for your eyes!

Please call our office today to book your eye exam and protect your health.

What Happens During an Eye Exam?

A comprehensive eye exam usually begins with a discussion about your family health history and overall health, as well as your lifestyle and habits. The more detail you provide, the better we can determine your visual needs and understand what additional tests may be needed.

Once we’ve ensured your medical history is accurate and up to date, we will address any questions you may have before proceeding with your appointment. 

From here, we’ll conduct a series of tests. You will probably have to read those letters on an eye chart—known as a Snellen chart—so we can assess your need for corrective lenses or update your prescription if you already wear them.

Many eye diseases develop without symptoms, and eye exams are an excellent way to preserve your sight by diagnosing issues early. Glaucoma is particularly detrimental to vision, and testing your intraocular pressure is one way to detect it while it can still be managed.

Our offices are equipped with the latest testing technology—call us today to book your exam.

How Often Do I Need an Eye Exam?

While almost all Americans believe that eye health is important, nearly half of those aged 23–38 think they don’t need eye exams if their vision is clear.

The American Optometric Association recommends that adults aged 18–64 have comprehensive eye exams at least every 2 years. Adults over 65 should have annual eye exams

Those with underlying conditions or who fall into an at-risk category should have annual exams regardless of their age or at the frequency their optometrist recommends.

Who Is Considered At-Risk?

You’re considered a higher-risk patient if any of the following apply to you:

Assess Your Ocular Health Today!

A comprehensive eye exam can actually detect other medical issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, and brain tumors. Eye exams are a big part of your overall health, and having them regularly is important. Please book your appointment today!

Our Locations


  • 301 Center Place SW, Suite D.
  • Altoona, IA 50009


  • 5501 NW 86th St., Suite 500
  • Johnston, IA 50131

Our Blog

What Is BlephEx, and How Can It Help Treat Dry Eye?

Dry Eye

If you have blepharitis or dry eyes, your optometrist may suggest a treatment called BlephEx to help.  If you are suffering from blepharitis or dry eye syndrome, it is an eye condition that can cause red, swollen, irritated, itchy eyelids, BlephEx treatment may be a suitable option for you. While it can be uncomfortable, blepharitis […]

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July 4, 2023
Jeff Neighbors

What Are the Best Contacts for Dry Eye?

Dry Eye

The uncomfortable symptoms experienced with dry eyes can lead to redness and irritation in the eyes. Dry eye disease is a condition that can make even the simplest daily tasks difficult. Fortunately, there are contact lenses available that can help alleviate some of these symptoms.  Depending on the cause of your dry eye, your eye […]

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June 6, 2023
Jeff Neighbors

Why Does Driving at Night Get More Difficult as You Age?

Eye Health

Driving at night can be difficult at any age, especially if you have a preexisting vision problem. Between glare, difficulty seeing in the dark, or a delayed reaction time, it can be difficult to do so safely. But why does it become more difficult as you age? As you get older, your eyesight naturally gets […]

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May 10, 2023
Jeff Neighbors
Close-up of a young girl outside rubbing her right eye with her right pinky finger

If you have blepharitis or dry eyes, your optometrist may suggest a treatment called BlephEx to help.  If you are suffering from blepharitis or dry eye syndrome, it is an eye condition that can cause red, swollen, irritated, itchy eyelids, BlephEx treatment may be a suitable option for you. While it can be uncomfortable, blepharitis […]

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A smiling young woman is inserting a contact lens into her right eye

The uncomfortable symptoms experienced with dry eyes can lead to redness and irritation in the eyes. Dry eye disease is a condition that can make even the simplest daily tasks difficult. Fortunately, there are contact lenses available that can help alleviate some of these symptoms.  Depending on the cause of your dry eye, your eye […]

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A senior man in the driver's seat of a car with a senior woman in the passenger seat, both with a concerned look on their faces

Driving at night can be difficult at any age, especially if you have a preexisting vision problem. Between glare, difficulty seeing in the dark, or a delayed reaction time, it can be difficult to do so safely. But why does it become more difficult as you age? As you get older, your eyesight naturally gets […]

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