Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands in the Des Moines Metro Area

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Give Yourself Optical Options with Contact Lenses

Even if you love your glasses, it’s always nice to have choices. Some occasions call for more flexibility than frames provide. For those moments, you have contact lenses.

Roughly 45 million people in the US are contact lens wearers. Come in for an exam and join their ranks!

The Difference a Contact Lens Exam Makes

A contact lens exam is very similar to a comprehensive eye exam. We’ll still check you for eye diseases, look at your visual acuity, and update your medical history in our records.

We also collect some additional information that pertains directly to contact lenses:

  • Base curve: This is the curve of the back of your contact lens as determined by the shape of your cornea. It helps ensure an ideal fit.
  • Diameter: The size of your contact lenses depending on your eye shape and what the lenses will be correcting.

Lens material: This is related to the type of correction you need and certain lifestyle factors, like how often you want to swap contacts or if you may fall asleep in them.

Contact Lens Fitting & Hygiene

The Fit

The fit of your contacts is critical. One of the main benefits of contacts is that they move with your eye for a full range of vision correction. This does mean the contact sits directly on your eye and floats on your tear film. This means an improper fit can result in discomfort, pain, or blurred vision.

Once your optometrist has assessed which type of contact lens is right for you, they may want to schedule a follow-up visit to confirm your contacts are working right with your eyes.

Since contact lenses sit directly on your eye, a high degree of hygiene is required. Follow these care steps when removing and cleaning your contacts:

  • Always wash your hands with soap and water before handling your contacts.
  • Dispose of contacts and switch for a new pair as directed by your optometrist.
  • Use the correct solution for cleaning your contacts.
  • Make sure you use fresh solution every time you store your contacts.
  • Use your contacts as directed (for example, don’t sleep in daily wear contacts).

Specialty Lenses

At Metro EyeCare, we carry specialty contact lenses to suit as many people as possible.

Check out our specialty lens page to learn more about scleral lenses, Paragon CRT lenses, keratoconus lenses, and Cooper MiSight lenses for myopia control.

Contacts have improved leaps and bounds over the last few decades. If you’ve been told you’re not a candidate for contact lenses, please stop by for an exam at our clinic, and see what our team can do for you!

Our Brands

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Alcon has one mission: to provide innovative products that enhance quality of life by helping people see better. Alcon is uniquely poised to serve every contact lens wearer by addressing the full life cycle of their needs.

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Bausch + Lomb

Bausch + Lomb is one of the best-known and most respected healthcare brands globally, offering the widest and finest range of eye health products including contact lenses and lens care products, pharmaceuticals, intraocular lenses, and other eye surgery products.

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Cooper Vision

We create and execute innovation that is unmatched in the contact lens industry. There's much more to our story than that, however. You'll find that what sets us apart is how we approach our business. We collaborate, we listen, and we enjoy what we do.

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VISTAKON® has become a world leader in vision care through our unwavering commitment to the highest standards of quality.Through our worldwide network of eye care professionals, we gather insightful feedback that is used to further the safety and improvement of our products and processes.

Our Locations


  • 301 Center Place SW, Suite D.
  • Altoona, IA 50009


  • 5501 NW 86th St., Suite 500
  • Johnston, IA 50131

Our Blog

What Is BlephEx, and How Can It Help Treat Dry Eye?

Dry Eye

If you have blepharitis or dry eyes, your optometrist may suggest a treatment called BlephEx to help.  If you are suffering from blepharitis or dry eye syndrome, it is an eye condition that can cause red, swollen, irritated, itchy eyelids, BlephEx treatment may be a suitable option for you. While it can be uncomfortable, blepharitis […]

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July 4, 2023
Jeff Neighbors

What Are the Best Contacts for Dry Eye?

Dry Eye

The uncomfortable symptoms experienced with dry eyes can lead to redness and irritation in the eyes. Dry eye disease is a condition that can make even the simplest daily tasks difficult. Fortunately, there are contact lenses available that can help alleviate some of these symptoms.  Depending on the cause of your dry eye, your eye […]

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June 6, 2023
Jeff Neighbors

Why Does Driving at Night Get More Difficult as You Age?

Eye Health

Driving at night can be difficult at any age, especially if you have a preexisting vision problem. Between glare, difficulty seeing in the dark, or a delayed reaction time, it can be difficult to do so safely. But why does it become more difficult as you age? As you get older, your eyesight naturally gets […]

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May 10, 2023
Jeff Neighbors
Close-up of a young girl outside rubbing her right eye with her right pinky finger

If you have blepharitis or dry eyes, your optometrist may suggest a treatment called BlephEx to help.  If you are suffering from blepharitis or dry eye syndrome, it is an eye condition that can cause red, swollen, irritated, itchy eyelids, BlephEx treatment may be a suitable option for you. While it can be uncomfortable, blepharitis […]

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A smiling young woman is inserting a contact lens into her right eye

The uncomfortable symptoms experienced with dry eyes can lead to redness and irritation in the eyes. Dry eye disease is a condition that can make even the simplest daily tasks difficult. Fortunately, there are contact lenses available that can help alleviate some of these symptoms.  Depending on the cause of your dry eye, your eye […]

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A senior man in the driver's seat of a car with a senior woman in the passenger seat, both with a concerned look on their faces

Driving at night can be difficult at any age, especially if you have a preexisting vision problem. Between glare, difficulty seeing in the dark, or a delayed reaction time, it can be difficult to do so safely. But why does it become more difficult as you age? As you get older, your eyesight naturally gets […]

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